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Term Insurance in India : A Guide

I. Introduction


Life is full of uncertainties, and it is our responsibility to secure the future of our loved ones. One way to do this is through term insurance. Term insurance is a type of life insurance policy that provides coverage for a certain period or ‘term’. If the policyholder passes away during the policy term, a death benefit is paid out to the beneficiaries. In essence, term insurance offers a financial safety net to your family in the unfortunate event of your demise. Given its significance in financial planning, understanding term insurance is crucial for every breadwinner.

II. Understanding the Basics of Term Insurance


Term insurance is the simplest form of life insurance. It’s a contract between you and the insurance company, where you pay premiums, and the insurer guarantees a payout to your beneficiaries if you pass away during the term of the policy. Unlike other life insurance policies, term insurance doesn’t have any investment component. Therefore, if you outlive the policy term, you won’t receive any maturity benefits. Its primary purpose is to provide substantial life cover at affordable premiums, making it a valuable tool for risk management.

The concept might seem straightforward, but the implications are profound. Term insurance provides financial security to your family if you, as the primary breadwinner, are no longer around. It can cover liabilities, replace lost income, and ensure your family’s lifestyle doesn’t take a hit due to your untimely demise. Therefore, term insurance is an essential component of prudent financial planning.

III. Why Term Insurance is Essential


The importance of term insurance is underscored by the financial protection it provides. Imagine the burden on your family if they were to bear the financial responsibilities in your absence. This is where term insurance comes into play.

Firstly, term insurance ensures that your family can maintain their standard of living even if you’re not around. The death benefit can help cover daily expenses, children’s education, and even long-term financial goals like retirement.

Secondly, term insurance can cover debts and liabilities. If you have a home loan, car loan, or any other debt, the payout from a term insurance policy can help settle these liabilities, ensuring your family doesn’t bear the burden.

Lastly, term insurance also provides peace of mind. It’s comforting to know that your loved ones won’t face financial hardship in your absence.

However, it’s important to remember that term insurance is not an investment but a safety net. If you outlive the policy term, you won’t receive any payout. But the peace of mind it brings, knowing that your family’s future is secure, makes it an essential part of any financial plan.

Term insurance is a small price to pay for the security of your family. It acts as a financial shield, providing a robust safety net for your loved ones. So, while we hope for the best, term insurance helps us prepare for the worst.


IV. Key Features


Term insurance comes with a range of key features. The most significant is the death benefit – the sum insured that is paid to the policyholder’s beneficiaries upon their death during the policy term. The death benefit can be substantial, often up to 20 times the policyholder’s annual income, providing a robust financial safety net.

The policy term is another important feature. You can choose the duration of your term insurance policy according to your needs. Typically, terms range from 10 to 40 years. The premium, which is the amount you pay for the policy, is determined by factors such as your age, health, policy term, and the sum insured.

Moreover, term insurance policies offer riders, or additional benefits, at an extra cost. These may include critical illness cover, accidental death benefit, disability benefit, and more. These riders can enhance your coverage and provide additional protection.

V. Types of Plans in India


Term insurance plans in India are broadly categorized into four types:

1.      Pure Term Plan: This is the simplest form of term insurance. If the policyholder dies during the policy term, the death benefit is paid to the beneficiaries. If the policyholder survives the term, no benefits are paid.

2.      Return of Premium Plan: In this plan, if the policyholder survives the policy term, the premiums paid are returned.

3.      Increasing Term Plan: This plan allows for the sum insured to increase at a predetermined rate annually.

4.      Decreasing Term Plan: Contrary to the increasing term plan, the sum insured decreases at a predetermined rate annually in this plan. This is often used to cover a reducing liability like a home loan.

You can also go through my blog on Different types of insurance

VI. How to Choose the Right Plan


Choosing the right term insurance plan is a crucial step. Here are some factors to consider:

1.      Coverage: Evaluate your financial obligations, future expenses, and goals to determine the sum insured you need. A thumb rule is to have a cover of at least 10-15 times your annual income.

2.      Premium: Choose a policy that fits within your budget. But remember, the cheapest policy may not always be the best.

3.      Claim Settlement Ratio: This ratio indicates the number of claims settled by an insurer against the total claims received. A higher ratio implies a better chance of your claim being settled.

4.      Solvency Ratio: This indicates the financial capability of the insurer to meet its obligations, including claim settlement. A higher solvency ratio indicates better financial health.

5.      Customer Service: Look for an insurer that offers good customer service, as you might need their assistance for claim settlement or policy-related queries.

VII. Process of Buying Term Insurance


Purchasing insurance involves the following steps:

  1. Get Quotes: Start by comparing quotes from different insurers. You can do this online through insurance comparison websites (like Policy Bazaar ) or by contacting insurance agents.

  2. Choose the Right Plan: Consider the factors discussed in Section VI and select the plan that best suits your needs.

  3. Fill Out the Application: Complete the application form, providing accurate personal and health information. Be honest about your medical history and habits, as any discrepancies can lead to claim rejection.

  4. Submit Documents: Provide the required documents, such as ID proof, address proof, income proof, and medical reports if necessary.

  5. Undergo Medical Examination: Depending on your age, sum insured, and medical history, the insurer may require you to undergo a medical examination. This is usually arranged by the insurer at a designated medical facility.

  6. Pay the Premium: Once your application is approved, you’ll receive a premium payment notice. Pay the premium to activate your policy.

  7. Receive Policy Document: Upon payment, the insurer will issue your policy document, which contains all the terms and conditions of your coverage. Keep this document safe, as you’ll need it to file a claim.


VIII. Claim Process of Term Insurance


In the unfortunate event of the policyholder’s death, the beneficiaries need to follow these steps to file a claim:

Inform the Insurer:

Notify the insurer as soon as possible, typically within 30 days of the policyholder’s death. The insurer will provide a claim intimation form, which needs to be filled and submitted along with the required documents.

Submit Documents:

Submit the following documents to the insurer:

Original policy document

Death certificate

ID proof of the nominee

Address proof of the nominee

Bank account details of the nominee

Additional documents as required by the insurer, depending on the cause of death

Claim Processing:

The insurer will review the claim, verify the documents, and may conduct an investigation if necessary. If the claim is approved, the insurer will pay the death benefit to the nominee. The entire process usually takes 30 days, but it may take longer if further investigation is required.

Claim Settlement:

If the claim is approved, the insurer will transfer the death benefit to the nominee’s bank account. The payment can be made as a lump sum, as monthly payouts, or a combination of both, depending on the policy terms.

It’s essential for the beneficiaries to be aware of the claim process to ensure a hassle-free experience. Additionally, they should be informed about the policy details, including the sum insured, policy term, and premium payment frequency.

Claims can be rejected for various reasons, such as non-disclosure of pre-existing medical conditions, incorrect personal information, or fraudulent activities. To avoid claim rejection, ensure that all information provided in the application is accurate and complete, and update the insurer if there are any changes in your health or personal details.


IX. Tax Benefits


Term insurance not only provides financial security but also offers tax benefits. Under the Income Tax Act, 1961, policyholders can avail tax deductions for the premiums paid and the death benefits received. Here are the key tax benefits:

1.      Premium Deduction under Section 80C: The premiums paid for term insurance are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. The maximum deduction limit under this section is INR 1.5 lakhs per annum. However, to avail this benefit, the premium must not exceed 10% of the sum insured for policies issued after April 1, 2012.

2.      Death Benefit Exemption under Section 10(10D): The death benefits received by the nominee are exempt from income tax under Section 10(10D). However, if the premium exceeds 10% of the sum insured for policies issued after April 1, 2012, the death benefit will be taxable.

These tax benefits can help you save on your annual tax outgo while securing your family’s future. Nevertheless, it’s essential to consult a tax advisor to understand the tax implications and benefits of term insurance based on your specific circumstances.

X. Conclusion


Term insurance is an indispensable part of a well-rounded financial plan. It offers a financial safety net for your loved ones, ensuring their financial stability in your absence. As you consider term insurance, remember to understand its basics, key features, and types, and choose the right plan based on your needs and preferences.

The process of buying term insurance has become more accessible, thanks to digital platforms and insurance comparison websites. Don’t forget to evaluate the claim settlement ratio, solvency ratio, and customer service of the insurers while selecting a plan.

Moreover, term insurance offers tax benefits, making it even more appealing. Consult a tax advisor to maximize these benefits based on your unique situation.

In conclusion, term insurance is an essential investment in your family’s future, providing them with financial security and peace of mind. It’s never too early to start thinking about term insurance – take the first step towards securing your loved ones’ future today.


On Key

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