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Indian Insurance market

Indian Insurance Market Study

I.                     Introduction The Indian insurance market, diverse and dynamic, is a major segment of the country’s economy. Over the years, it has witnessed significant growth and transformation, becoming one of the world’s top 15 insurance markets. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Indian insurance market, its evolution, current state, and

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Passive Investing

Active Vs Passive investing

I.             Introduction Investing – this single word carries a whole world of possibilities and potential within it. As India’s economy continues to grow, the importance of investing for wealth creation and financial stability has become increasingly clear. Two predominant investment strategies in the financial world are active and passive investing. But which one is the

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P2P Lending

P2P Lending & Crowdfunding : India

I. Introduction In a rapidly digitizing world, alternative financing options like Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending and crowdfunding are gaining traction, particularly in burgeoning economies like India. They represent innovative mechanisms to connect borrowers with investors directly, eliminating the need for traditional intermediaries like banks. II. Understanding Peer-to-Peer Lending A.            Definition and Explanation of P2P Lending Peer-to-Peer

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